Sandulela is excited to launch their new FBEasy WhatsApp Line for customers to claim their Free-Basic-Electricity.

What is Free Basic Electricity?
Free-Basic-Electricity (FBE) is part of a Government Initiative to provide free electricity to support low-income households. The terms of use and distribution depends on the municipalities, but the amount of electricity provided is considered sufficient to run the basics in a household (lighting, small black and white TV, radio, basic ironing, using an electric kettle, etc.)

The service launched on 15 June 2020 and is a simpler and faster way for households to claim their Free-Basic-Electricity – which will save them time and money. The process is very simple:

Step 1:
WhatsApp “Hi” to +27 60 079 7292

Step 2:
Enter your meter number

Step 3:
Confirm your name and address

Step 4:
You will now receive your Recharge Token directly to your phone which you can now use to top up your electricity meter.

FBEasy supports Free-Basic-Electricity for Eskom, City of Cape Town and eThekwini Municipality.

Sandulela provides the ability for municipalities to sell prepaid electricity through a variety of channels including, point of sale, retail, online and mobile vending. FBEasy is just another innovative way to provide much-needed electricity to the indigent households of South Africa.